We are thankful for our active School Advisory Council at Whitecourt Central along with our parent fundraising group EPIC Society (Eagle Parents Including Community)!
Why should you participate in the School Advisory Council?
1. Be informed about important issues affecting your child's education.
2. Your commitment to the school teaches your child that education is important! Education research has found that school performance is enhanced by parental involvement.
3. Volunteers contribute to our children's high-quality education at Whitecourt Central.
4. Meet new people.
5. Learn new skills.
6. Your voice is important!
2024-2025 School Advisory Council and EPIC Society Executive
Chair: Maren Skipper & Jeanna Strum
Vice Chair: Tiffany Sigurdur
Treasurer: Carla Hanas
Secretary: Sarah Shaw
Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 7:00pm in person.
EPIC Society Fundraising Committee Meeting to Follow.
Agendas and Minutes
EPIC Society (passed May 15, 2015)