Grades 1 - 5

Please download and complete the registration form or print and fill it out manually. Forms may be e-mailed to or dropped off at the school.

Before sending your registration form, please check the registration checklist:

  • Completed registration form

  • Proof of the students’s age and legal name. Documents accepted are: birth certificate, adoption certificate, student authorization visa, Canadian citizenship papers, passport, or permanent landed immigrant/residence documentation (office staff can make copies for you)

  • Proof of residence - this can be verified with any bill that proves that this location is the legal home address.

    • Rural addresses - utility or property tax bill

    • Street addresses in town - bank statement, cable/satellite bill, driver's licence, lease agreement, mortgage, phone bill, property taxes, utility bill

  • Notification of special medical conditions or medications for the student

  • An intake appointment may be required for new students, school administration will contact parents accordingly

  • Name and address of child’s previous school (for students coming from another school division)